Visard Solutions inc.
Solutions & services for your documents

Visard Solutions inc.
Solutions & services for your documents



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Kentika: External script execution

Boisvert Martin (Mr.)


For administrative purposes, or when maintenance from us is required, it may be required to execute Kentika command lines on the fly.


The script "Load a script" allows you to run any command line understandable by Kentika, contained in a text file.


For security reasons, This script is only accessible to people with "Settings" autorization, and will add an entry in the log.


Import the script

Download and uncompress the ZIP file "scr_Charger un".

* The script name is in french, but its execution will contain translated dialogs.

Import "scr_Charger un script.txt" file via the standard Import data method, and click on "Create" and "Cancel and replace" buttons.


Execute the script

Accessible via the File menu > Treatments >  "C" tab > Charger un script

An alert will notify you of the consequences of uncontrolled code execution. Confirm.

Enter the number as requested to confirm that you understand the consequences.

Select the text file containing the instructions to execute.



* Uncontrolled code execution may make your database unusable!


Under no circumstances Visard Solutions can be held responsible for code execution that has not been previously approved by a competent person. Fee will be charged if we intervene following an improper execution of code.


For questions about the code execution, please contact us via our  Contacts form , or directly by e-mail.